These scopes reference a fascination with a childhood toy. I loved kaleidoscopes. I reworked a kaleidoscope, removing the decorative elements. so that it could view the world. I used this lens with my camera and eventually placed it inside a steel scope. The scope was located on various places where it became an ironic twist on the old tourist scope. It creates a fragmented view of the world and asks the viewer to observe carefully and engage in the puzzle of a changing world.
01 Realidoscope
The Scope of Change, 2014 This International Sculpture Garden, Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, ON
02 Realidoscope
"Realidoscope" Calgary AB CDA 2009-2010 Silverlight Art Projects, 54in (137cm) high, Stainless steel on concrete base, Elbow River Promenade
03 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope
04 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope
05 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope
06 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope
07 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope
08 Realidoscope
images of scenery as viewed through the scope